Northern Ireland In Photographs

Series 1

The photographs in this book are inspired by both my interest in photography and my desire to explore what (at least to me) are the less well known areas of natural beauty in N. Ireland. They are a result of my own journey of discovery and Series 1 contains a selection of high quality photographs taken between autumn 2022 and spring 2023.

The inspiration behind the photo-book is both to record and share the wonders I have found along the way, in the hope that others can get as much joy from the photographs as I had from taking them.

I hope that for some it will be the inspiration to start their own journey and perhaps visit the places photographed, For others it may be an opportunity to see places they may not have the chance to visit in person. For all, I hope these photos capture in some small measure the beauty and wonder of the world in which we live

As should be obvious any book seeking to cover all the places of interest and natural wonders of N .Ireland would need to be hundreds if not thousands of pages long and would take a lifetime to put together. Therefore this is an ongoing work that I hope to add to in future series.


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